
"Data Spaces spares customers the time, effort, and money required to develop a competent data management team capable of monitoring all types of data ingestion and insight generation processes."

Enterprise data storage is a centralized repository for information that provides data management, protection, and sharing services. Because enterprises deal with huge volumes of business-critical data, storage and distribution solutions that are highly scalable, have unlimited connectivity and support multiple platforms would be the most beneficial.

Data Spaces' processing and distribution systems enable the real-time acquisition, distribution, storage, and management of massive, unstructured data sets. These solutions make it easy to process and distribute data across parallel computing clusters in an orderly manner. These solutions are designed to operate on hundreds or thousands of devices at the same time, each providing local computation and storage capabilities.

"Our Data Spaces are intended to provide clients with the flexibility to store and distribute all types of digital assets and data."

Data Spaces has been a trusted partner for fast-growing start-ups and innovative companies for many years. Data Spaces is also a provider of object-based technology for accessing, storing, and sharing unstructured or file-based data. Its flagship products provide private cloud storage, allowing users to deploy storage clusters without being locked into proprietary hardware. There are five traits that you’ll find within Data Spaces:

  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Reliability
  • Relevance
  • Timeliness

Data Spaces designs and builds solutions that stream, quickly process, store, and analyse large amounts of data. Through this platform, organizations will be able to combine, process, and prepare data for analysis in the cloud. Companies will get a rich set of out-of-the-box data processing components with Data Spaces. Data Spaces will also make sure that businesses can quickly and easily take advantage of big data opportunities without having to buy new hardware, and software, or hire new people.